People generally do not want to disclose their sex addiction to their intimate partner.  And yet in sex addiction treatment we believe that couples cannot begin the process of recovery as long as the addict is still keeping secrets or telling lies.  Hence the saying in treatment circles:

Tell it all, tell it soon!

This is not to say that we cannot have a private inner life or that we have to tell our spouse or partner everything we think or do.  But telling the truth about sex addiction is an essential part of recovery.  It is essential for the addict, for the partner and for the relationship.

When disclosure is not necessary

Disclosing the full extent of a sex addiction is not generally advised when the couple are planning to divorce or separate.  Couples in the process of separation and divorce are dealing with a lot of emotional and real life upheaval.  The disclosure of the details of sexual betrayal may be detrimental to the process of separating.  It can fan the fires of resentment and conflict around settlement and custody issues.  Often a partial disclosure has taken place which is part of the reason for the divorce.  Disclosure can add to the traumatization of the partner who already feels betrayed, without serving any useful purpose.

Disclosing to a partner is often partial and disorganized

Partial disclosure, or disclosing in “stages,” is the norm although it is not considered a good idea.  The addict feels the pressure to come clean but wants to hold back some facts about the sex addiction, usually those that are most damaging or shameful.  The addict who has been partially found out is in a crisis state and is most often very afraid of abandonment by a partner.  The feeling is that if the spouse or partner knew everything they would surely leave.  This is not necessarily a true or rational idea.

However, full disclosure sets the stage not only for the addict to begin a new way of living but for the relationship to begin on a new basis of honesty and trust.  Every time another little piece of information about the addict’s past behavior trickles out it makes the partner feel like it is just more than they can take.  This is because the partner feels the dishonesty may have no end.

The commitment to truthfulness going forward

Holding on to secrets is a sign that the addict is not in very good recovery.  “Rigorous honesty” is considered to be at the heart of the 12-step model of addiction recovery.  There is a level of self hate and shame in the addict who feels he cannot be honest.  He is continuing to act on the core belief that if someone really knew him they could never love him.  It is a way to hang onto control but it is unfair.

Dishonesty about who we are sexually is a way to keep ourselves apart from our partner.  It is a fatal barrier to true intimacy, which involves allowing ourselves to be known.  It also gives the addict unequal power.

To the partner, the fact that they do not know what is going on or has gone on means that not only do they not know their addict partner very well but they do not have a view of their life that is based in reality.  Partners cannot find contentment and happiness if their reality is being manipulated by someone else.

What not to disclose

The optimal way to disclose the facts of a sex addiction to a partner is thought to be through a “planned disclosure.”  This is one where the couple prepare separately with their counselors and carry out the disclosure in the presence of a treating professional.

As part of the preparation, the partner or spouse will decide what it is they want to hear.  This is very important.  The addict may want to tell more than the partner wants to know.  The addict will have to take direction from the partner as to what to disclose.  For example, the partner may or may not want to know how many times the addict did a certain thing, or with whom, or what the details of the act were.

Planned full disclosure may be the ideal, but people are human and it is often not that neat.  We need to accept that both people may be afraid and mistrustful.  The addict may try to get away with holding onto a few key pieces of information our of fear, and the partner may resort to spying on the addict’s email in order to deal with the crazy-making feelings of mistrust.

But even if it is not perfect, the disclosure must take place for the relationship to survive and thrive.

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  1. Six months ago I discovered my partners sex and porn addiction and it has been a nightmare. As I write this, he is in a mental health facility he checked himself in to.
    When I first discovered it I saw things on his phone after I borrowed it. Things that if someone would have told me about a year ago I would have laughed in their face. No way would my husband of 6 yrs do this sort of thing! I was furious. I lost my temper and screamed and yelled. Rather then him taking responsibility for his actions he called 911 and had me arrested. Never once did I lay a hand on him. I NEVER had been through anything like that before! This was 2 days before Thanksgiving. I had told him the night before my discovery how hard the holidays would be for me. My mother had passed away 2 yrs prior and my little brother and best friend died unexpectedly a few months before. I had never felt so betrayed in my life. I spent Christmas in bed crying alone. He was on the other hand with family lying to them about how he was a vctim of domestic violence. In February we came back together. He was commited to recovery and even let me put a nanny app on his phone. He really did want to go to therapy but because he is disabled (he has MS) no therapists would take his straight medicaid. The only help he could get was a one size fits all mental health program here for the poor. He was to have his first appointment Monday.
    I have been very good at keeping my temper at bay. He has lied on several occasions since being back where I had to literally show him hard cpy of the truth. My goal was to have him tell me the truth about one thing so that I could use that as a truth foundation to build on. He disappointed me everytime. The day he checked himself in he tried to lie about a picture of him from the waist down I found on Craigslist. He had admitted it was him 2 months ago but was denying it was him a few days ago.
    I blew up. For the first time in 2 months I screamed and yelled. I was so frustrated that he not only wasn’t telling me the truth he was now denying what he had already admitted.
    Now he’s there in the hospital and probably not coming back. The only person he put on the visitors list is his adult son who after this wants nothing to do with him. He has burned all bridges with family members and friends. Nobody believes a word he says. He’s a very convincing liar but people will only believe lies for so long. I believe he has underlying schitzoid personality disorder but has never been diagnosed. My fear is he’s lying to the staff there and is never gonna get the help he needs. I even have a suspision he will try to form a relationship with someone while he’s there. Crazy thought I know but you would have to know him.
    I tried to rush the process. I wanted to have the truth and move past the hurt and repair things. I thought that the truth wuld help me know what I was dealing with and give me something that I could build on. In hind sight I wish I would have been more patient. My life is falling apart and so am I. I’ve been seeing a therapist for 4 months and she said I have PTSD. I didn’t believe her at first but I do now. I am in the lowest place I have ever been in. I have never thought of taking my own life but I’m giving it some consideration now. The funny thing is he threatens to do that all the time but has never even attempted it. I’ve isolated myself from everyone because of the shame. I’m envious that he’s in a place of healing and I’m here alone. Again. He is also a hypocondriac. Everytime he has been cornered by his lies he ends up in the hospital making up symptoms. Even our family dr believes him. This is beyond pain.
    Can anyone out there advise me? I’m so lost right now.

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