- Are you wondering what it is like to be in a treatment program for sexual addiction?
See below to read the reviews provided by others and see what they experienced. These brave reviews are completely voluntary and are done simply to help others. Bear in mind that these programs deal with many different kinds of sexual problems and you do not have to be exactly like the reviewer to be a candidate for that program.
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A Review of Keystone Center by David K.
I went to Keystone in October 2003. I was a 58 year old male with a 40
year history of indecent exposure, use of prostitutes, massage
parlors, phone sex and obscene phone calls, et al.
Up till then I had tried to stop these behaviors through traditional
talk therapy, but it wasn’t until I was referred to Sex Addicts
Anonymous by a sex addiction therapist that I had any hope of success.
At Keystone I found myself part of a community with a common problem.
The therapists employed group therapy, role playing, art therapy and
other methods, but it was the 24 hour 7 day a week 12 step environment
that got me serious about recovery. After a month I wanted to do it
for me, not
to get my wife off my back.
When I returned I resumed treatment with the sex addiction therapist
and went to meetings regularly, seriously and
welcomingly. I’ve got almost 8 years of abstinence now and
would recommend Keystone to anyone who wants to kick sex addiction.
Keystone provided me a time and place with no distractions
where I, without shame, could talk about what I’d been doing my whole
life, and keeping it secret from everyone.
It was the kickstart to my recovery that I needed.
David K
A Review of Treatment at the Gentle Path Program: an interview with Barry L.*
Dr. H: Please describe your age, gender, and the addictive behaviors that led to your going to the Gentle Path Residential Program.
Barry L.: Male, age 60, sex outside of marriage, workaholic, gay and straight pornography, willful euphoric recall, exhibitionism, cruising public areas and engaging in anonymous sex with men, sexual anorexia with my wife, crossing over professional boundaries by having sex with an adult under my control, lying and deceit to cover up my actions. I Went to Dr. Carnes Gentle Path program and Professional Enhancement Program in Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
Dr. H.: What kind of treatment did you receive and for how long? Did you have individual therapy, group therapy, education, 12-step, etc.? How did you feel about the cost relative to the services that you got?
Barry L.: Each program was 45 days in length. There were 12 Step programs, group therapy, individual therapy, EMDR, and yoga. The cost for the two programs was approximately $50,000. While steep it was worthwhile.
Dr. H.: What things about the program seemed to be the most helpful for you and why do you think you responded well to them (including your relationships with other patients)?
Barry L.: I am a very compartmentalized and closed person. Both programs forced me into dealing with myself and others. I had tremendous difficulty in being honest with myself and others. One of the most helpful things was EMDR and the follow up of that.
Dr. H.: What things in the program struck you as counter-productive, if any and why was that? Are there any things you think should definitely be changed in the program?
Barry L.: Sometimes at GP in our small groups we did not have enough time and sometimes (depending on staffing) we would have too many people in our small groups (up to 7).
Dr. H.: Do you think there are lasting changes in you as a result of the experience? How have you been doing? How has the treatment affected your functioning in the larger sense?
Barry L.: While I am not perfect, it has made tremendous changes in my life. It saved my marriage. It has made me a better father and husband. I am not so afraid of life and don’t feel like I have to hide everything about myself. My going there caused my wife to go into therapy which has made a big difference in her life as she deals with her issues.
Dr. H.: Did your family participate in the program and if so how? Were there any beneficial and/or lasting effects of their involvement?
Barry L.: My wife participated in family week while I was at GP and again while I was at PEP. My children are in there mid 20’s and I wrote to them and explained that I was a sex addict, although I did not give them any specifics. The lasting effects are that my wife and I have a much better relationship and are able to talk the same “language” when discussing things.
Dr. H.: Would you recommend the program to other people and under what conditions?
Barry L.: Anyone who even suspects that they are a sex addict could greatly benefit from the program. I continue to attend SAA, see my psychiatrist once monthly, my psychologist (CSAT) once weekly (double session), and a marriage counselor (CSAT) with my wife once weekly.
Dr. H.: Thanks so much for helping other people by sharing your experience. It is much appreciated!
* For information and links to this program, similar types of treatment and other treatment options please see Getting Help. To post a comment please go to The Forum.
Review of Treatment at the Del Amo Sexual Addiction Recovery Program: An interview with Greg*
Dr. H: Please describe your age, gender, and the addictive behaviors that led to your going to the Del Amo Sexual Addiction Treatment Center.
Greg: I am a 55 year old male. I have been having anonymous sex since the age of 14. After my father died, I discovered public places where such encounters could be had. Despite intense shame associated with Catholic guilt, I repeated this behavior over a thousand times over the next four decades. No matter where I was living, from Southern California to Massachusetts, my attempts to stop this behavior were in vain. My behavior progressed to include sex clubs, phone sex, using the Internet to arrange hook-ups, etc. I have had two long-term relationships, including one in which we entered a Registered Domestic Partnership. I was repeatedly unfaithful during both of these relationships. I exposed them to STDs. I also put myself at risk and did experience one significant illness which landed me in the hospital and could have resulted in permanent kidney damage. I crossed professional boundaries by attempting to have sex with a client who reported me to my supervisors and to the police. As a result of this, I was asked to resign from my job and immediately self-referred to the Del Amo Recovery Program.
Dr. H.: What kind of treatment did you receive and for how long? Did you have individual therapy, group therapy, education, 12-step, etc.? How did you feel about the cost relative to the services that you got?
Greg: I spent just under 6 weeks in the in-patient program which consisted of multi-disciplinary approach, including a psychiatric assessment, an MMPI test, individual therapy twice a week, group therapy, written course-work, co-sessions with victims of trauma, twice-daily check-ins with staff and fellow patients, art/music/meditation therapy as well as 12 Step meetings four times a week. For me, the self-pay cost of $20-30,000 was well worth it and essential in getting me on a successful path to recovery.
Dr. H.: What things about the program seemed to be the most helpful for you and why do you think you responded well to them (including your relationships with other patients)?
Greg: We had an anger wall exercise in which the group moderator talked through the process of getting our angry feeling expressed while throwing clay balls at the wall. I definitely benefited from role-playing, especially since the scenario I played out involved the last victim of my predatory behavior. Also, I had a very emotional experience while working on an art exercise utilizing my non-dominant hand which was intended to help me connect with my Inner Child.
Dr. H.: What things in the program struck you as counter-productive, if any and why was that? Are there any things you think should definitely be changed in the program?
Greg: The only thing I can think of is the fact that the non-MD director of the program who “taught” our three times a week class covered the same material many times in order to introduce new patients to the essentials of the program. Honestly, the degree of reinforcement this provided was worth the “repetition.” The food could be better!
Dr. H.: Do you think there are lasting changes in you as a result of the experience? How have you been doing? How has the treatment affected your functioning in the larger sense?
Greg: Absolutely. Like many an addict in recovery, the road has been rough since the in-patient program. It has taken me over a year to get through the 4th Step but I am now serving as a temporary sponsor which has proved to be an incredible strengthening experience in my recovery process. I have a wonderful spiritual connection with my fellows working on recovery and a profound sense of love from my Higher Power. I have advanced in my acceptance over my expectance, i.e. I no longer expect to control the outcome of anything other than my own recovery work.
Dr. H.: Did your family participate in the program and if so how? Were there any beneficial and/or lasting effects of their involvement?
Greg: My partner attended the last session with my individual therapist, largely to help me in the transition back to the outside world. He has supported me in the long journey on which I am still traveling.
Dr. H.: Would you recommend the program to other people and under what conditions?
Greg: I can endorse the program. Anyone considering the program should know that this place is no retreat or country club. It is a hard-core inpatient program without “day passes”. It is intense, brings out serious emotions and helps one on one’s way to the first steps of Recovery.
Dr. H.: Thanks so much for helping other people by sharing your experience. It is much appreciated!
* For information and links to this program, similar types of treatment and other treatment options please see Getting Help. To post a comment please go to The Forum.
Review of Sexual Recovery Institute (SRI) Intensive Outpatient Program: An Interview with Burton
Dr. H.: What program did you go to for treatment?
Burton: Sexual Recovery Institute onRobertson Blvd.inLos Angeles
Dr. H.: Please describe your age, gender, and the sexual behaviors that led to treatment.
Burton: I am a seventy five year old straight male. My acting out included extra-marital sexual behavior.
Dr. H.: What kind of treatment did you receive and for how long? Did you have individual therapy, group therapy, education, 12-step, etc.? How did you feel about the cost relative to the services that you got.
Burton: I was in a two week outpatient intensive program that included individual and group therapy and 12-step program work. I felt that the program was too expensive.
Dr. H.: What things about the program seemed to be the most helpful for you and why do you think you responded well to them (including your relationships with other patients).
Burton: The most important benefit was the relationships developed with the other patients.
Dr. H.: What things in the program struck you as counter-productive, if any and why was that? Are there any things you think should definitely be changed in the program?
Burton: I felt a lack of consistency regarding the effectiveness and empathy of the SRI instructors.
Dr. H.: Do you think there are lasting changes in you as a result of the experience? How have you been doing? How has the treatment affected your functioning in the larger sense?
Burton: I felt that there are lasting changes and a closer relationship with my wife. In addition I have a better understanding of myself.
Dr. H.: Did your family participate in the program and if so how? Were there any beneficial and/or lasting effects of their involvement?
Burton: My wife participated with me on some Saturday sessions and some of the individual therapy sessions.
Dr. H.: Would you recommend the program to other people and under what conditions?
Burton: I would recommend the program providing that one’s wife or significant other was willing to participate and endorse this program.
* For information and links to this program, similar types of treatment and other treatment options please see Getting Help. To post a comment please go to The Forum.
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